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Saturday, July 5, 2014

John Adams and his "Pursuit to Happiness"

#4 John Adams in video, a mini-series...

July 4th is a great time to recognize "Happiness" in other ways as I continue my research pursuit on the subject of "Happiness" this summer.  At this time of the year, I found myself sharing it with our 2nd president, John Adams, and a story of his political experience during the time of America's Independence.

If you haven't seen John Adams, the mini-series about 8 episodes long, it is worth a couple of days just to appreciate what the men of that time period did for our country and the commitment to its independence from Great Britain.

Watching the fireworks (Fireworks-2014) explode over a small Indiana farm town with my husband on a popular country road near by, gave me pause reflecting on how we celebrate this day, our countries 238 year birthday.  (Cook-outs, parting, boat riding, watching fireworks, parades, dancing, while this is all fun, instead...)

I challenge you also take time to become more patriotic.  I was never a huge history buff, but I have found as I get older learning about our American history is definitely worth time in my life.

Great places to visit may include:

#1. Williamsburg, VA
#2. Washington, D.C.
#3. Any local history marker in your area if not for anything else but to read about what happened in
      that space.  (In my home town, we have many.)
#4. Springfield, IL.-Home of President Lincoln
#5. Historical landmarks in the Carolina's.
#6. And of course exposure to different stories like the John Adam's mini-series provides.

My parents love sharing these historical places and stories with me and my family.  They bring concepts like the rights of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit to "Happiness"into perspective.  They provide a deep appreciation of what we stand for, what our country was built on.

Blessings, SD

PS.  For some inspiration,  here is an amazing recording of Max McLean reading our Declaration of Independence.   (It's about 11 minutes long.)

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